
Goodbye from Miss Bhopal, Miss Eagle and Mr Ellis

As I shared in my Head's newsletter a few weeks ago, Miss Bhopal, Miss Eagle and Mr Ellis will be starting new adventures in September. They leave Sutton Park Primary having made a real difference to the pupils they have taught. We thank them for all of their hard work and efforts during their time here.


Reopening in September - information for parents/carers

Dear Parents/Carers

I am sure you will agree that we are living through extra-ordinary times. The year 2020 will be one that I am sure future generations will learn about in school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support during these difficult times, the many messages my colleagues and I have received have been welcomed.

Transition Videos

Please find links below to the videos for class teachers in September. In your email yesterday, you received a copy of your child’s end of year report and a letter explaining their new class for September. Please take some time to watch the relevant video with your child over the summer.

We look forward to welcoming you back to school in September.

Mrs Middleton.



Today, parents will receive an email with their child's end of year report and also some additional information about what to expect from school in September. Following DfE guidance (released on 2nd July) we have been busy planning and risk-assessing the full reopening of school in. Parents understandably have lots of questions so information has been compiled in a handbook.

Free School Meals

COVID Summer Food Fund We are pleased to be able to continue to offer eligible parents and pupils access to free school meals during the six week summer holiday by supplying supermarket eGift cards, that can be spent locally to you.

Survey for parents of children with SEND

Birmingham City Council would like to gather views of parents of children with SEND about the support received from their services during lockdown. Please see the letter below and click on the link to complete the survey.

Enred Parents and Carer Guide for Free School Meal vouchers

Please refer to the Enred Parents and Carers Guide if you have having any problems with the service or would like further clarification on how to make a claim.


Looking ahead to September

Dear parents and carers, 

Please find links below to some key information and dates. There are still lots of unknowns about September and as always, we will await and follow Government guidance on this matter.

I have collated some important dates for the remainder of this term and also an overview of how September may look.

I have also included information regarding our school uniform expectations and how to order this ahead of September.

Stay safe and well, 
Mrs Middleton 

Important dates and September plan
Uniform expectations Sept2020
Morleys Schoolwear
Uniform Price List Sept2020

Y5 Grammar School Applications -September 2020

For the attention of Y5 parents:

Please see the letter attachment below for information about the Grammar Schools application process. If your child is in Y5 and will be moving to secondary school in September 2021, applications are now open and will close on Friday 26th June at 4pm. No late applications will be accepted.

We wish any of our pupils who are applying lots of luck!

Mrs Middleton

Y5 Grammar Applications - Info for parents 17.6.2020


The test familiarisation booklet (mentioned in the letter) can be found here:

Grammar Test Familiarisation Booklet


Contact Us

Sutton Park Primary School
Coppice View Road
Sutton Coldfield
B73 6UE

Phone: 0121 464 7355

Email: enquiry@suttonparkprimary.co.uk


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