Dear Parents and Carers,
Following the Prime Ministers announcement on Monday 4th January 2021 confirming School closures until February half term 2021, school will now be closed to all pupils except for pupils of critical workers and vulnerable pupils.
Free School Meals and Vouchers
Following the Prime Ministers announcement on Monday 4th January 2021, educational establishments are still awaiting further clarification and guidance from the Government regarding plans for Free School Meals and any potential Free School Meals voucher schemes. Therefore, we do not have any vouchers available for distribution at this stage.
Whilst we await further guidance from the Government in regards to Free School Meals we are offering families a daily packed lunch for those who are eligible. These packed lunches can be collected from your child’s school in a COVID safe manner.
If your child is eligible and you have not already confirmed that you would like to receive a daily packed lunch please contact your child’s school office via email as soon as possible in order that we can accommodate this.
Remote Learning & Devices
If you experience any issues accessing remote learning, please use the class email address to request support in the first instance. School has a limited number of devices which we can loan to those without a device in the household and many of you have contacted us already regarding this. We will do our best to loan one to you where possible.
Contacting School
Should you need to contact us, in the first instance if the enquiry is regarding remote learning then please contact the class email address. Alternatively, for other enquiries, please contact the school office via email to