Dear Parents
We recognise that settling into a new school is a big step for you and your child. Our aim is to make this a very happy and smooth transition. We want to encourage all our children to reflect on the positive memories and experiences they have had in their primary schools and to encourage this positive mind-set moving forwards to this new and exciting chapter in their life. We appreciate the challenges that families are facing and want to provide as much support as possible. With this in mind, the Pastoral Team at PACT have been looking at the best way of supporting all year 6 children in these unprecedented times, with the transition to secondary schools.
One of the ways we thought would be helpful was to produce the enclosed booklet. It has a lot of thought provoking material in and should be really useful to get your children thinking about what they will need in regards to uniform etc. as well as getting them to think about any anxieties they may be facing.
It could be useful for you to work through this booklet with your child and to talk about what they should expect when moving to ‘BIG SCHOOL’ as this may help to support any worries or anxieties that they may have. This booklet is for you and your child’s personal use and can be kept at home or taken to their new school with them. It does not need to be returned to the PACT. They may find it helpful to take it with them to their new school if they have any questions that they need answering or are unsure about anything.
I hope you find the booklet helpful. We are missing all of the children very much and hope that you are all keeping safe and well. We look forward to seeing your children as soon as it is safe to do so.
Yours sincerely
The Pastoral Team