Dear Parents/Carers
I am sure you will agree that we are living through extra-ordinary times. The year 2020 will be one that I am sure future generations will learn about in school. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support during these difficult times, the many messages my colleagues and I have received have been welcomed.
We are planning, in line with the latest guidance from the government and the Department for Education (DfE) to open each of our schools to all pupils in September. Each school leadership team along with our Central Support Team has carried out extensive and detailed risk assessments to make our schools as safe as possible for the children when they return. Each Head of School will write to you this week with the information you need about your school. From September, things will be a little different for parents/carers and the children due to the safety measures we will have in place.
The children's well-being will be our main priority when they return. We will also of course be making sure that your children catch up with the learning they have missed out on as soon as possible. Some children may be worried or anxious about coming back to school after such a long time, let me assure you that the school staff will be doing everything they can to help.
As always, thank you for your continued support.
Sajid Gulzar