Dear Parents and Carers,
Following on from the Trust Board decision, and letter from our CEO Sajid Gulzar, Sutton Park Primary will begin a phased reopening to a wider number of pupils from Monday 15th June. In order to prepare for this and ensure all of the necessary control measures are in place, our keyworker provision will be closed next week on Monday and Tuesday. (8th/ 9th June)
Before the half term break, senior leaders called the parents of children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to establish how many children were planning to return to school.
These numbers have now been confirmed and all children who said ‘yes’ to returning have been assigned a class group (also known as a ‘bubble’):
- Each bubble has an assigned adult and room where they will be based each day.
- Each bubble has an entrance/exit gate and time, which must be adhered to.
- Each bubble has allocated outdoor time during the morning, at lunch and in the afternoon.
- Each bubble will remain together throughout the school day and will not mix with, or encounter, any other bubbles.
- The keyworker provision will continue as its own bubble throughout school being open.
If you have decided not to return your child to school, they will continue to learn from home. We will continue to signpost online learning and projects via our website. We will also signpost useful resources and activity ideas via our school Twitter page so please keep checking both of these regularly. Staff will continue to call pupils every 2-3 weeks but where staff are working in school with assigned bubbles, their calls will be picked up by a different member of staff.
In order to minimise the risk to both pupils and staff, school will temporarily close on Fridays at 12:30 to all bubbles and to keyworker children. This enables staff to have their legal entitlement of planning, preparation and assessment (PPA) time without additional adults working in multiple bubbles across the week. It is an essential part of minimising the risk posed by Covid-19 so we thank you in advance for your co-operation and understanding with this.
A second letter will follow this via post to all parents who have requested their child returns to school from Years 1 and 6. This will detail start dates/times/gate locations. It will also contain an updated ‘Parental Code Of Conduct’ which must be fully adhered to for children to be able to attend. Letters to Reception and Nursery will be sent ahead of their return date but EYFS start dates are dependent upon outcomes of the constant review of the risk assessments in place. (For more information on this, please refer to the letter from our CEO)
In the meantime, if you need to contact school, please use the
On behalf of the Sutton Park Primary team, thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Middleton
Head of School